Self catering holidays at Thanet Well Lodges Greystoke Cumbria North West England

Thanet Well Lodges in Greystoke, Cumbria, North West England

Enjoy a great self catering short break or holiday at Thanet Well Lodges in Cumbria. Thanet Well Lodges in Greystoke is lodge style self catering accommodation.

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More about Thanet Well Lodges

Thanet Well Lodges is a Peace And Quiet holiday and caravan park where accommodations prices start from £335. Commanding one of the most spectacular views towards Carrock Fell Blencartha and Bowscale Fell the luxurious lodges at Thanet Well Lodges offer you a secluded rural retreat in a dramatic and truly unique setting.

Perfect for getting away from the hustle and bustle of modern life Thanet Well Lodges sits on the edge of Greystoke Forest just outside the Lake District National Park in an area renowned for its scenic splendour character and wealth of activities and attractions.

There's something to suit everyone here. Those wishing to take it easy can relax and explore the many beauty spots while the more adventurous enjoy mountain biking hang-gliding paragliding climbing canoeing and dinghy sailing.

Thanet Well Lodges holiday park features summary

"This was a first time experience for us in a Lodge and visit to the Lakes. The site was ideally situated and dog friendly. The lodge offered fantastic views over fields and hills. Staff were very friendly and helpful. The lodge itself very clean with excellent facilities including the bathrooms. Would definitely recommend this place. 04/05/2011 05:12:00"
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Close to Thanet Well Lodges

Thanet Well Lodges is a great base from which to explore the wonders of Cumbria and you will find plenty of activities near by.


Holiday and Caravan park accommodation available at Thanet Well Lodges

Thanet Well Lodges in Greystoke, Cumbria, North West England

Thanet Well Lodges in Greystoke is lodge style self catering accommodation. Below we have listed some of the accommodation available at Thanet Well Lodges, simply click the link to find out more about it.

Thanet Well Lodge 3 sleeps 6

Thanet Well Lodge 3 prices range between £335 - 689. Luxury and contemporary lodge with either one double (with ensuite shower) and two twin or two doubles (one with ensuite shower) and one twin.

Lodge style accommodation

Thanet Well Lodge 2 sleeps 4

Thanet Well Lodge 2 prices range between £315 - 649. Luxury and contemporary lodge with one double with ensuite shower and one twin or two doubles.

Lodge style accommodation

Thanet Well Superior Lodge 2 sleeps 4

Thanet Well Superior Lodge 2 prices range between £335 - 695. Luxury and contemporary lodge set in a beautiful location with one double with ensuite shower and one twin or two doubles.

Lodge style accommodation

Thanet Well Lodge 2 VIP sleeps 4

Thanet Well Lodge 2 VIP prices range between £390 - 724. Luxury and contemporary lodge with one double with ensuite shower and one twin. Outdoor hot tub. No pets.

Lodge style accommodation

Thanet Well Superior Lodge 2 VIP sleeps 4

Thanet Well Superior Lodge 2 VIP prices range between £395 - 799. Luxury and contemporary lodge set in a beautiful location with one double with ensuite shower and one twin or two doubles. Outdoor hot tub.

Lodge style accommodation

Thanet Well Superior Lodge 3 VIP sleeps 6

Thanet Well Superior Lodge 3 VIP prices range between £445 - 849. Luxury and contemporary lodge set in a beautiful location with one double with ensuite shower and two twin. Verandah with outdoor hot tub.

Lodge style accommodation

Thanet Well Lodge 3 VIP sleeps 6

Thanet Well Lodge 3 VIP prices range between £395 - 799. Thanet Well Lodge 3 VIP does allow pet dogs, but please do check when booking. Luxury and contemporary lodge with one double with ensuite shower and two twin. Outdoor hot tub.

Lodge style accommodation


Finding Thanet Well Lodges at Greystoke

Thanet Well Lodges is at Greystoke in Cumbria. Check out the map below for directions, use the controls to zoom in/out.


Selected Customer Comments about Thanet Well Lodges near Greystoke

"Very highly recommended, very peaceful, tranquil and beautiful scenery. 01/05/2011 05:09:05"

"It was a friendly environment and all amenities were to a great satisfaction. It was based in a calm, tranquil surrounding away from the hustle and bustle. A peaceful atmosphere with outstanding views. 27/04/2011 05:14:19"

Have your say... if you have stayed at Thanet Well Lodges why not share your experience via our Facebook page

"I would recommend this holiday to others, overall me and my family are suitably refreshed. 27/04/2011 05:14:10"

"I can't think of a more beautiful and peaceful location in the lakes as a place to relax and watch the sunset from the privacy of your own terrace. The Lodge was outstanding and offered us the perfect retreat at the end of a busy day exploring the area. 26/04/2011 05:09:20"

"This was a first time experience for us in a Lodge and visit to the Lakes. The site was ideally situated and dog friendly. The lodge offered fantastic views over fields and hills. Staff were very friendly and helpful. The lodge itself very clean with excellent facilities including the bathrooms. Would definitely recommend this place. 04/05/2011 05:12:00"

Add your review of Thanet Well Lodges, Greystoke

If you have stayed at Thanet Well Lodges why not add your thoughts, comments, pictures to our Facebook page? Don't forget to add the name/town/page link to your comment so its attributed to the correct place. Please keep it polite, we are sensitive souls!

Fully booked or not what you are looking for?

If Thanet Well Lodges in Cumbria is already booked for when you want to go or not quite what you are looking for then don't fear, there are plenty of other self catering holiday and caravan parks with accommodation including mobile homes, lodges, chalets and more in Greystoke and the surrounding area. Start your search right here:


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