Self catering holidays at Solent Breezes Fareham Hampshire South East England
Enjoy a great self catering short break or holiday at Solent Breezes in Hampshire. Situated close to Fareham, Solent Breezes has mobile home and static caravan self catering accommodation and has a swimming pool. The holiday park has a bar and has entertainment during the season. Solent Breezes is close to the beach
More about Solent Breezes
Solent Breezes is a Relax And Explore holiday and caravan park where accommodations prices start from £178. Peacefully situated on the edge of the Solent this picturesque park boasts breathtaking views across the water to the Isle of Wight and is an ideal place to relax and unwind. Take a dip in the heated outdoor pool or relax and soak up the atmosphere on the poolside patio. Family entertainment is on offer at weekends and throughout the school holidays or simply enjoy a drink in the family bar which boasts a superb sun terrace where you can sit and watch the world's most famous ships sail by!
Visit the yachting town of Warsash where low tides reveal shipwrecks canons and musket balls. The historic cities of Portsmouth Winchester and Southampton are all within easy reach so too is the ever popular New Forest.
Solent Breezes holiday park features summary
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Close to Solent Breezes
Solent Breezes is a great base from which to explore the wonders of Hampshire and you will find plenty of activities near by.
Holiday and Caravan park accommodation available at Solent Breezes
Situated close to Fareham, Solent Breezes has mobile home and static caravan self catering accommodation. Below we have listed some of the accommodation available at Solent Breezes, simply click the link to find out more about it.
Solent Gold Plus 3 sleeps 8
Solent Gold Plus 3 prices range between £230 - 801.
Superior 12ft-wide caravan with one double and two twin. DVD. Early 2pm check in.
Solent Gold Plus 2 sleeps 6
Solent Gold Plus 2 prices range between £214 - 738.
Superior 12ft-wide caravan with one double and one twin. DVD. Early 2pm check in.
Solent Silver 2 sleeps 6
Solent Silver 2 prices range between £178 - 676.
Quality caravan with one double and one twin.
Finding Solent Breezes at Fareham
Solent Breezes is at Fareham in Hampshire. Check out the map below for directions, use the controls to zoom in/out.
Selected Customer Comments about Solent Breezes near Fareham
"Lovely and peaceful. 21/10/2010 04:22:52"
"I would recommend this holiday to others. The staff were wonderful and the site was clean and relaxing. 08/06/2010 04:20:07"
"The overall booking experience was good. Prices very reasonable and website easy to navigate. Standard of the holiday park was very good. 10/06/2011 05:08:00"
Add your review of Solent Breezes, Fareham
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Fully booked or not what you are looking for?
If Solent Breezes in Hampshire is already booked for when you want to go or not quite what you are looking for then don't fear, there are plenty of other self catering holiday and caravan parks with accommodation including mobile homes, lodges, chalets and more in Fareham and the surrounding area. Start your search right here: