Self catering holidays at River Edge Lodges Perth Perthshire Central Scotland
Enjoy a great self catering short break or holiday at River Edge Lodges in Perthshire. River Edge Lodges in Perth is lodge style self catering accommodation. Other activities close by include golf fishing.
More about River Edge Lodges
River Edge Lodges is a Peace And Quiet holiday and caravan park where accommodations prices start from £449. River Edge offers you all the benefits of a family owned and run park combined with a wonderful setting beside tranquil River Earn. Moncreiffe Hill just behind affords spectacular views over Perth and Strathearn. Children will enjoy the goats hens and their own safe play area and there's free trout fishing in the Earn. Golf cycling and watersports all nearby. There are pubs restaurants coffee shop and takeaways available locally.
River Edge Lodges holiday park features summary
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Close to River Edge Lodges
River Edge Lodges is a great base from which to explore the wonders of Perthshire and you will find plenty of activities near by.
Holiday and Caravan park accommodation available at River Edge Lodges
River Edge Lodges in Perth is lodge style self catering accommodation. Below we have listed some of the accommodation available at River Edge Lodges, simply click the link to find out more about it.
Elcho Lodge sleeps 4
Elcho Lodge prices range between £299 - 509.
Comfortable lodge with one twin.
River Edge Lodge sleeps 6
River Edge Lodge prices range between £349 - 569.
Comfortable lodge with one double and one twin.
Bridge of Earn Lodge sleeps 8
Bridge of Earn Lodge prices range between £399 - 619.
Comfortable and roomy lodge with one double one twin and one with bunk beds.
Moncreiffe Lodge sleeps 6
Moncreiffe Lodge prices range between £449 - 669.
Two storey A-frame spacious open plan lodge with one double and one twin. Dishwasher. Gas central heating.
Finding River Edge Lodges at Perth
River Edge Lodges is at Perth in Perthshire. Check out the map below for directions, use the controls to zoom in/out.
Selected Customer Comments about River Edge Lodges near Perth
"Ideal location for touring Perthshire - Loch Earn, Loch Tay nothing too far to get to from the lodges. 06/04/2011 05:07:33"
"Very nice cabin, stayed with a group of friends and really enjoyed it. Cabin said slept 8 but I think that would have been a tight squeeze as small living area. Was within walking distance of pubs and takeaways which was ideal for us. Overall excellent value for money, nice accommodation and will definitely return!!! 11/05/2010 04:18:17"
"Excellent location, accomodation and facilities. 25/05/2011 05:06:28"
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Fully booked or not what you are looking for?
If River Edge Lodges in Perthshire is already booked for when you want to go or not quite what you are looking for then don't fear, there are plenty of other self catering holiday and caravan parks with accommodation including mobile homes, lodges, chalets and more in Perth and the surrounding area. Start your search right here: