Self catering holidays at Mill Meadow Lodges Llandrindod Wells Powys Mid Wales
Enjoy a great self catering short break or holiday at Mill Meadow Lodges in Powys. Mill Meadow Lodges in Llandrindod Wells is lodge style self catering accommodation. Mill Meadow Lodges does allow pet dogs, but please do check when booking your specific self catering accommodation.
More about Mill Meadow Lodges
Mill Meadow Lodges is a Peace And Quiet holiday and caravan park where accommodations prices start from £305. A paradise for nature lovers these luxurious lodges sit in an area of Special Scientific Interest surrounded by rivers pools woodland and glorious panoramic views of the Mid Wales countryside. Mill Meadow is an ideal rural retreat.
Pony trekking walking and fishing are among numerous outdoor pursuits nearby.
Mill Meadow Lodges holiday park features summary
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Close to Mill Meadow Lodges
Mill Meadow Lodges is a great base from which to explore the wonders of Powys and you will find plenty of activities near by.
Holiday and Caravan park accommodation available at Mill Meadow Lodges
Mill Meadow Lodges in Llandrindod Wells is lodge style self catering accommodation. Below we have listed some of the accommodation available at Mill Meadow Lodges, simply click the link to find out more about it.
Buzzard Lodge sleeps 4
Buzzard Lodge prices range between £305 - 695.
Buzzard Lodge does allow pet dogs, but please do check when booking. Luxury lodge with one double and one twin. Verandah with private outdoor hot tub. No pets.
Mill Otter Lodge sleeps 4
Mill Otter Lodge prices range between £305 - 695.
Luxury lodge with one double and one twin. Verandah with private outdoor hot tub. No pets.
Fox Lodge sleeps 4
Fox Lodge prices range between £305 - 695.
Fox Lodge does allow pet dogs, but please do check when booking. New in 2010. Luxury lodge with one double and one twin. Verandah with private outdoor hot tub.
Finding Mill Meadow Lodges at Llandrindod Wells
Mill Meadow Lodges is at Llandrindod Wells in Powys. Check out the map below for directions, use the controls to zoom in/out.
Selected Customer Comments about Mill Meadow Lodges near Llandrindod Wells
"Very secluded and quite isolated but great if that's what you want. Truly a get away from it all holiday. Accommodation was lovely, very clean with everything that you could want or need. Did not see any of the staff but you could get in touch by phone if needed. Would definitely recommend it. 17/04/2011 05:08:39"
"I have recommended this holiday to many of my friends. It was perfect. 07/03/2011 05:07:15"
"If you want to stay somewhere that is remote, quiet and totally relaxing, Mill Meadows is perfect. The lodges are top class, comfortable, warm and cosy with excellent facilities. The hot tub on the veranda is pure luxury. Mill Meadow Lodges come highly recommended with myself and my family. 16/02/2011 05:05:59"
"Fantastic lodge, 1st class accommodation, fantastic location, heaven on earth! 31/12/2010 05:06:55"
"The location, the tranquil area and the stars at night are fantastic and as for the hot tub well what can one say apart from fantastic and a very nice welcome pack from the owner. 03/05/2011 05:09:27"
Add your review of Mill Meadow Lodges, Llandrindod Wells
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Fully booked or not what you are looking for?
If Mill Meadow Lodges in Powys is already booked for when you want to go or not quite what you are looking for then don't fear, there are plenty of other self catering holiday and caravan parks with accommodation including mobile homes, lodges, chalets and more in Llandrindod Wells and the surrounding area. Start your search right here: