Self catering holidays at Cheverton Copse Sandown Isle of Wight South East England
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Enjoy a great self catering short break or holiday at Cheverton Copse in Isle of Wight. Situated close to Sandown, Cheverton Copse has mobile home and static caravan self catering accommodation. The holiday park has a bar and has entertainment during the season. Cheverton Copse is close to the beach
More about Cheverton Copse
Cheverton Copse is a Relax And Explore holiday and caravan park where accommodations prices start from £250. Enjoying a tranquil rural setting in mature woodland this small family run park sits just 1½ miles from the sandy beaches of Sandown and Shanklin. You are ideally placed for exploring the host of nearby attractions and this wonderful island's many delights while facilities on the park include a clubhouse family entertainment children's play areas a games room Wi-Fi access and launderette+. +Charges apply.
Part of the island's network of bridleways adjoins the park together with an airstrip ideal for pleasure flights. A host of attractions are within easy reach.
Cheverton Copse holiday park features summary
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Close to Cheverton Copse
Cheverton Copse is a great base from which to explore the wonders of Isle of Wight and you will find plenty of activities near by.
Holiday and Caravan park accommodation available at Cheverton Copse
Situated close to Sandown, Cheverton Copse has mobile home and static caravan self catering accommodation. Below we have listed some of the accommodation available at Cheverton Copse, simply click the link to find out more about it.
Surrey Silver sleeps 6
Surrey Silver prices range between £250 - 610.
Caravan with one double and two twin.
Dorset Silver Plus sleeps 4
Dorset Silver Plus prices range between £215 - 560.
Caravan with one double and one twin.
Sussex Silver sleeps 4
Sussex Silver prices range between £215 - 560.
Caravan with one double and one twin.
Herald Bronze sleeps 4
Herald Bronze prices range between £210 - 530.
Caravan with one double and one twin.
Finding Cheverton Copse at Sandown
Cheverton Copse is at Sandown in Isle of Wight. Check out the map below for directions, use the controls to zoom in/out.
Selected Customer Comments about Cheverton Copse near Sandown
"No improvements necessary at Cheverton Copse- it's perfect as it is! 03/05/2011 05:09:33"
"I would definitely recommend the holiday park without being asked. 01/05/2011 05:09:05"
"Great value and a great setting. 10/10/2010 04:13:38"
"The site was small, friendly and well equipped. Very clean and tidy with lovely staff. 28/09/2010 04:18:23"
"clean, warm accommodation, beautiful location and excellent facilites. Beautiful always worth a visit. 01/06/2011 05:09:26"
Add your review of Cheverton Copse, Sandown
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Fully booked or not what you are looking for?
If Cheverton Copse in Isle of Wight is already booked for when you want to go or not quite what you are looking for then don't fear, there are plenty of other self catering holiday and caravan parks with accommodation including mobile homes, lodges, chalets and more in Sandown and the surrounding area. Start your search right here: